PELyon in few words

PELyon is a CRO specialising in real-world studies based mainly on the Health Data Hub, which may be combined with other data sources, with the aim of helping public and private healthcare professionals answer their research and strategy questions.

Expertise and experience

We have been helping health stakeholders (pharmaceutical and biomedical industry, healthcare structures, health authorities, associations) since 2010.


We provide our experience and skills to support strategic decisions in terms of health products and programs (quality of care, therapeutique adherence, drug utilization, cost of illness studies, comparison of disease management strategies…).


PELyon is a multidisciplinary team made of Medical Doctors, Project Managers, Epidemiologists, Biostatisticians and Data Analysts.


Une équipe expérimentée, dynamique et réactive

CEO and scientific director

The scientific director approves the methodology of proposed studies and attends meetings of the scientific committee. He or she also uses his or her experience to write scientific articles and initiates PELyon in-house research projects.

Manon Belhassen

Manon has led PELyon since March 2017.

She has a PhD in pharmacoepidemiology from McGill University.

Project manager - epidemiologist

Epidemiology project managers are responsible for project management and are the main contact persons for our clients and partners. They draw up study protocols and reports as well as writing scientific articles and disseminating the results.

Clarisse Marchal

Clarisse joined PELyon in April 2018.

She graduated from the ISPED with a PhD in pharmacy and a Master’s in epidemiology in 2017.She wrote her PhD thesis on ‘Progress towards asthma and COPD recovery through a pharmacoepidemiological approach in a population of older women’. “

Claire Marant-Micallef

Claire joined PELyon in September 2020.

She graduated with a PhD in Pharmacy and a MSc in Public Health at Paris XI University in 2005.

She has 15 years’ experience in the healthcare field, including five as project manager at the International Cancer Research Centre in Lyon.

Erika Guyot

Erika joined PELyon in July 2022.

She graduated with a PhD in Biology, Medicine and Health (Lyon 1) obtained in 2021 and a Master’s degree in Public Health and Environment, specializing in epidemiology, clinical research, evaluation (University of Reims).

She has 6 years of experience in various epidemiologist positions.

Eva Ferrer

Eva joined PELyon in September 2024.

She graduated with a PhD in Pharmacy and a MSc in Drugs and Health products science: “clinical trials, pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology” in 2023 at the university of Toulouse.

Operations Manager

The Operations Manager is responsible for team management. He is also responsible for quality assurance at PELyon

Nicolas Barras

Nicolas joined PELyon in September 2019.

He graduated DESS Master’s in bioinformatics in 2003 and has 15 years’ experience incClinical research in the data management department of a large CRO.


They prepare statistical analysis plans, process data, carry out statistical analysis and help write scientific reports.

Maëva Nolin

Maëva joined PELyon in October 2014.

She graduated from the Institut Supérieur des BioSciences (Paris) with a postgraduate degree in engineering specialising in biomechanics/biomaterials and dugs/bioinformatics in September 2014.

She is the contact person for the Health Data Hub.

Marjorie Bérard

Marjorie joined PELyon in March 2015.

She graduated with a Master’s in biology, ecology and environment before completing her university studies with a degree in biostatistics in Grenoble.

She is the contact person for IT infrastructure and statistical analysis software.

Flore Jacoud

Flore joined the PELyon in Avril 2015.

She graduated from the Université Lumière Lyon 2 with a Master’s in socioeconomic statistics and informatics, after which she completed an end-of-course internship in the team as a data analyst on the Astro-Lab project. After obtaining her degree, she continued her career at PELyon.

She is the contact person for biostatistics.

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Mélanie Née

Mélanie joined PELyon in March 2019.

She graduated from the ISPED with a Master’s in public health, specialising in biostatistics, in 2014. After a year as a statistician at the Inserm U1219 research centre in Bordeaux, she completed a PhD in epidemiology on the role of attention deficits in the occurrence of accidental injuries.

She is specialized in biostatistics.

Floriane Deygas

Floriane joined PELyon in October 2021 after 2.5 years of experience as Epidemiologist/Biostatistician engineer at the Leon Berard Center and at at the University Claude Bernard Lyon1.

She graduated a Master’s degree in Public Health, Epidemiology from ISPED in 2019.

Nadège Bornier

Nadège joined PELyon in February 2023 after an engineer graduation at ISBS (Institut Supérieur des Bio-Sciences de Paris) and a trainee period at Clermont-Ferrand Hospital.

Léa Lethuillier

Léa joined PELyon in September 2024 after an engineer graduation at INSA Lyon (Bioinformatics and modelization specialization) and a trainee period within the team.

An essential role

We help health autorities, biomedical industrity, and care structure


Nous participons aux cours de différents Masters de l’Université Lyon 1 depuis plus de dix ans

Since knowledge transfer is at the heart of our activity and in order to ensure our employees are always at the forefront of knowledge in our fields, we have contributed to various Master’s courses at the Université Lyon 1 for over ten years.Since 2016: Master’s in public health

Since 2016

Master’s in public health

Since 2015

Epidemiology and risk management (EPIRIS)

Since 2013

Clinical health and research evaluation

Critical reading of articles (DCEM2 at Lyon Sud, then UE libre at Lyon 1)

2010 et 2015

Pharmacology, modelling and clinical trials

Since 2008

European Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine (EUDIPHARM)